A Key Club Caucus is a meeting of one or several divisions for the purpose of “interviewing” candidates for the district office. A current Lt. Governor or other current district officers will organize and preside.
Key clubbers seek to learn aspects of a Candidate, including:
How much does the candidate know about Key Club?
What leadership qualities does the candidate possess?
What unique ideas does the candidate propose for the good of the organization? (This is usually given by the candidate in their “platform.”)
How committed are they to the ideals and purposes of Key Club?
Do they have the time and motivation to be a successful district officer?
Caucus members ask questions of the candidate which the candidate answers unless the presiding officer decides the question is inappropriate.
With a little bit of thought and imagination, you can draft caucus questions that enable you to make better decisions as to which candidates you would like to see elected.
The actual elections will be held in the House of Delegates. Each club has up to two delegates. If your club has more than two Key Clubbers attending the convention, your club should hold their own meeting to determine who your delegates should vote for.
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